Why Noonan

Noonan Academy maintains an environment that is a catalyst to learning. Not only do we have a teacher to student ratio that will allow the gifted, average, and at-risk student to maximize their potential, we also have various levels of resources available to our students. Our educational diagnostician becomes an educational safety net ensuring that all students achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success in school and within their community. Once a struggling student has been identified by the teacher, our diagnostician individually plans and systematically monitors accommodations and modifications to support the student’s progress. Her oversight and support enables the teacher to facilitate the student’s successful mastery of grade level skills and concepts.

In addition to identifying and supporting at-risk students, she also identifies the above average and gifted students. Together with parents and staff, she creates a plan to challenge them. No child falls through the cracks at Noonan. Every child deserves the opportunity to reach his or her full potential in a nurturing, safe, and stimulating environment.

Classroom Statistics

Maximum Classroom Time

The combination of extended school days and a limited number of teacher in-service days translates into as much as 30 more days or 20% more classroom time than other local private schools. By the time the child reaches high school, they will have had an additional 2 years of academic education.

Noonan Academy School Days
1935 Days
Other Local Private Sclools School Days
1683 Days

Noonan Academy students, on average, attend school 185 days in a year and are in school from 8:15 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. (K – 4th grade) and 8:15 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. (5thgrade through 8thgrade). There are no half days.



No Data Found

The combination of extended school days and a limited number of teacher in-service days translates into as much as 30 more days or 20% more classroom time than other local private schools. By the time the child reaches high school, they will have had an additional 2 years of academic education.

Noonan Academy School Days
1935 Days
Other Local Private Sclools School Days
1683 Days

Noonan Academy students, on average, attend school 185 days in a year and are in school from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. (K – 4th grade) and 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. (5thgrade through 8thgrade). There are no half days.

The combination of extended school days plus more days in session, translates into as much as 30 more days per year or 20% more classroom time compared to that of other local private schools.

By the time the child reaches high school, they will have had nearly two additional years of academic education.


No Data Found

Small Classroom Size

In addition to Noonan students going to school an equivalent of 30 additional days per year, the classroom size is relatively half the size on neighboring schools. The student-faculty ratio is among the best in the area at 7:1. The smaller classrooms allow for better learning conditions, personal attention, and increased levels of participation. All of which add to the students’ academic experience.

Typical Noonan Academy Classroom

Other Local Private Schools

Test Scores

Superior Test Scores

The Noonan Advantage has resulted in superior standardized test scores in every subject area listed compared to the national average.

(Below are the SAT Test results for Kindergarten, First, Third, Fifth, and Seventh grades for the 2022-2023 academic school year.  The BLUE bar represents Noonan Elementary Academy, the RED bar represents the National Average.)

Kindergarten 2023 SAT Results

No Data Found

1st Grade 2023 SAT Results

No Data Found

3rd Grade 2023 SAT Results

No Data Found

5th Grade 2023 SAT Results

No Data Found

7th Grade 2023 SAT Results

No Data Found

Student/Faculty/Parent Testimonials

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